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Klobuchar And Colleagues Propose Legislation To Safeguard Voting Rights And Bolster Democracy

Klobuchar and Colleagues Propose Legislation to Safeguard Voting Rights and Bolster Democracy

The Freedom to Vote Act: Establishing Universal Voting Standards

To ensure that every American has equal access to the ballot box, the Freedom to Vote Act establishes fundamental national standards. Regardless of their location, the Act aims to guarantee that all citizens can exercise their voting rights in a manner that accommodates their individual needs.

Bipartisan Effort to Protect Democracy

Senators Amy Klobuchar, Joe Manchin, and their Democratic colleagues have collaborated to develop the Freedom to Vote Act, a comprehensive election protection measure. On September 14, 2021, Senator Klobuchar introduced the bill as S 2747. However, on October 20, 2021, the Senate failed to achieve cloture on the motion to invoke cloture.
